Govt targets non-tax rev of Rs 1962.25 cr from broadcasting sector in FY21
The union government has budgeted non-tax revenue from the broadcasting sector at Rs 1962.25 crore for FY21.
In FY20, the government had budgeted its non-tax revenue from broadcasting at Rs 2766.67 crore. However, the revised non-tax revenue from the sector is Rs 1371.25 crore for FY20.
In FY19, the actual revenue from the broadcasting sector stood at Rs 1319.80 crore.
The non-tax revenue from broadcasting includes receipts of licence fee from direct to home (DTH) operators, Commercial Services (TV), Commercial Services (FM) and other receipts.
Information and Publicity: ‘Information and Publicity’ receipts include receipts from Employment News & other Publications, receipts from Directorate of Films Division and Bureau of Outreach & Communication (erstwhile DAVP).
The government’s revenue projection from the information and publicity segment for FY21 is Rs 47.55 crore as against Rs 59.35 crore in FY20. The revised revenue target from the segment is Rs 55.33 crore. In FY19, the actual revenue from the segment stood at Rs 57.53 crore.