ZTE appoints Ni Fei as president of mobile devices

NEW DELHI: Chinese telecom gear maker ZTE said it has appointed Ni Fei as its president of Mobile Devices. Fei will take full charge of ZTE’s mobile devices business while at the same time, he will continue to act as president of Nubia Technologies.

Fei joined ZTE in 2001, and since 2004 he has been engaged in ZTE’s terminal product operation. In 2012, he participated in the establishment of Nubia and became the general manager of Nubia Smartphones. He acted as the president of Nubia in May 2019.

In the past, Fei led initiatives like creating China’s first Netcom mobile phone (Nubia Z5). Additionally, he has also led the design of the industry’s first bezel-less Nubia Z9 smartphone, and the industry’s first bezel-less full-screen Nubiz Z17S smartphone.

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