YouTube is testing a feature that will let you watch new videos more easily

YouTube already has a pretty crowded landing page, showing you all kinds of videos that you might click on and binge-watch. It also has several channels that it thinks you will like based on your current watching patterns, helping you discover new videos. To discover more content one can also head to the ‘Trending’. But looks like YouTube wants its users to discover videos by other creators not with these two methods but soon after they are done watching a video. And it plans to implement this with ‘featured in this video’ section that is currently being tested on the Android app.
The section will be seen right below the video that viewers are watching. The section will highlight creators what have featured in that video. It will also have links to the featured creator’s channel with the option to subscribe. “We’re starting this experiment with a diverse group of top searched creators across various categories on YouTube, and only a small percentage of viewers using the YouTube Android app will see the feature while we gather feedback,” adds the YouTube Help page.

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