You may not need to touch your next Google phone to change music, stop alarm and more

Google will be introducing a new technology in its upcoming Pixel 4 smartphones– Motion Sense. The idea of this technology is to allow users to get basic job done on a smartphone without touching or talking to it. Google’s Advanced Technology and Projects team (ATAP) has been working on this technology called Project Soli, which aims to deploy a motion-sensing radar in smartphones to recognise gestures and make the phone understand that the actual user is nearby. This is part of Google’s focus on “ambient computing.”
The flagship Pixel 4 smartphone will be the first smartphone to come with Soli radar chip. It will sit beside the front camera near the earpiece. This Soli radar chip will allow the Pixel 4 to recognise gestures through which you can use Motion Sense gestures to snooze alarms, silent phone calls, change music and more by just waving your hand to the Pixel 4 in a set pattern. The experience will be similar to controlling audio in the dashboard of a BMW 7 series car.

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