Wistron episode could hit handset cos’ hiring targets

Mumbai/Kolkata: Apple’s probation on Wistron is set to delay the contract manufacturer and the handset industry’s hiring targets—expected to touch 50,000 by March. Staffing firms and industry executives now say there will be more diligence, more audit reports, digitised methods of calculating attendance and overtime, instead of depending on Wistron to submit the details at time of payroll calculations.

“Staffing firms are informed by the client—in this case Wistron—on attendance and overtime details of the workers. Now, there has to be more audits and documentation from either side. Contracts will get relooked, which will take time and till those processes are put in place, hiring targets for Wistron will be delayed,” said a telecom industry source. “Wistron was a key player in the handset industry’s hiring target of 50,000 by March and now that gets delayed as well,” he added.

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