Wipro CEO Thierry Delaporte: ‘Big Tech needs us, we need them’

Bengaluru: Wipro’s relationship with big technology companies, including Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon, has never been stronger than it is today, the Indian IT services firm’s chief executive Thierry Delaporte said on Thursday.

“I think we have a lot more engagement with these companies now than we had 10 years ago. They need us, as much as we need them,” Delaporte told Phil Fersht, founder of HFS Research, during a chat over a Zoom call.

Delaporte has been at the helm of Wipro for 11 months now. “We are different worlds. They are developing products, but they need companies like us, creating an environment for them to continue to scale up and develop applications and solutions on these large platforms and environments,” he said.

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