WhatsApp status update: Android user? Big change coming! Your chat backups will never be the same soon
WhatsApp status update: Here is something that should really make you worry if you are an Android smartphone packing person. WhatsApp will stop backing up your status updates on Android. The current belief was that WhatsApp conversations are ever-lasting and liable to stay that way. Whether you wipe your phone data clean or change your smartphone (unless of course, you switch from Android to iOS or vice versa) you can never truly lose your chats – ever. The reason for this is a WhatsApp feature called chat backup, which essentially saves all your data, including your chats, shared media, and even your status updates on Google Cloud, if you are using an Android phone, or iCloud, if you are an iPhone user. Now, word is out that work is going on the Android-based app and that it will stop saving WhatsApp status updates in chat backups!