WhatsApp rival, Telegram pushes a major update for Android and iOS users

Telegram, one of the WhatsApp rivals in the instant messaging app market, has marked its new year with a major update that includes a bunch of cosmetic changes among other features. Right off the bat is the Theme Editor 2.0 that now lets Android and iOS users tweak the elements in Telegram chats with new gradient colours on both messages and background. It’s possible to switch between Main colour, Background and My Messages for granular customisation of looks and even share the new look with others so they can pick the idea and tweak it further for their own chats.
“By the way, this update includes dozens of new cool patterns you can apply to your background. Our favorites are the Math and Parisian motifs, but there‘s also one we made especially for New Year’s Eve,” adds the Telegram blog post.
Adding to the customisation are the new predefined colour schemes for Telegram’s default themes. The new options can be found under the Classic, Night and Day tabs inside the Chat Settings option.

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