WhatsApp may rollout two dark themes, here’s how they look

WhatsApp has been rumoured to be working on the Dark Mode for the longest time and now as per a latest report by WABetaInfo suggests that the instant messaging platform is working on not one but two Dark Mode themes. WABetaInfo, the social media channel that tracks the changes and upcoming features on WhatsApp, has claimed that it is has spotted three configurations of the upcoming Dark Mode, however, two of them been implemented now.
There is difference of shades in the two themes spotted by WABetaInfo. While the first Dark Mode theme uses dark colors, for the table and cells background, the second theme uses soft dark colours for the same. WABetaInfo says that both themes share the same configuration for the Dark Bubbles.
WABetaInfo claims that this development has emerged after WhatsApp decided to re-write the Dark Theme, but at the same time it hasn’t clarified if the Facebook-owned app will roll out both (or all three) to users or is only testing them right now and will later roll out only one of them.

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