Vu launches new TVs with built-in Amazon Prime Video starting at Rs 14,500
Vu Televisions on Thursday announced a further expansion of its television range in India with the launch of new UltraSmart, Pixelight, and Premium Android TVs. Stressing the ever-increasing demand for VOD content in India, Devita Saraf, chairman and CEO, touted the new VOD Upscaler technology on the new TVs that essentially combines multiple machine learning algorithms with a digital signal processor, also called DSP, to give “best” output for audio/video VOD content.
There are 11 TV models in total – The Vu UltraSmart range has three sizes – 32-inch HD Ready priced at Rs 14,500, 40-inch Full-HD at Rs 21,999, and 49-inch Full-HD at Rs 31,000. The Vu Pixelight 4K range has four models – 43-inch costs Rs 30,000, 50-inch is priced at Rs 39,000, 55-inch at Rs 42,000, and 65-inch at Rs 66,000.