UV lights are becoming the weapon of choice to kill the virus
For the past one week, ever since she has acquired a UV wand, Delhi-based advertising professional Pallavi Chaudhary has been moving around with the portable gadget in her handbag. “I got to know about it through friends in San Jose (US), who say they have been using for a month and find it quite handy,” she says, adding, “I take it to grocery stores for quick sanitisation of the supplies before I bring them home, and also use it on the face mask, car keys and phone.”
Priced a little above Rs 3,000, the IFITech Handheld UV-C Light Wand Steriliser has become Chaudhary’s magic wand to fight the corona fear, even though she is not 100 per cent sure of its efficacy and still occasionally dips the grocery supplies in baking soda and water mixture before using them.