Twitter’s 2020 recap: Vijay’s selfie with fans, Virat and Anushka’s pregnancy news on top

2020 is coming to an end, and Twitter has put out its recap for the year, highlighting the tweets and topics that dominated the platform this year. The most retweeted tweet of 2020 from India was Tamil actor Vijay’s selfie with his fans highlighting the dominance of Tamil Twitter. The most liked tweet of the year belonged to cricketer Virat Kohli and his tweet announcing wife Anushka Sharma’s pregnancy. Of course, the top hashtag for 2020 was #COVID19, which is not surprising at all. The other two top hashtags were #SushantSinghRajput and #Hathras.

While #IPL2020 was the top sports hashtag, the movie #DilBechara, which released after Sushant Singh Rajput’s death was the top movie hashtag in India for 2020.

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