TRAI deadline for DTH, Cable TV ends today! How to enrol; what will happen if you don’t

TRAI’s extended deadline for DTH and Cable TV ends today. However, the apex authority has not released any clarification as to what happens if a user fails to enrol before the deadline ends. An industry executive, whom Financial Express Online spoke to, said that if a customer has paid for beyond the target date (which is 31 March 2019 for now) and hasn’t exercised their TV viewing choice, they would be transferred to best-fit-plan.

Best-fit-plan is TRAI’s offering to the subscribers who don’t exercise their option but have paid for subscription. Distribution platform operators have been directed to migrate subscribers to a plan curated based upon their usage pattern, language spoken and a blend of several genres of channels, according to a TRAI statement. TRAI had also assured that the best-fit-plan will not exceed the monthly amount that a subscriber pays.

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