To view ‘sensitive posts’ on Twitter, add date of birth to your profile

Twitter is in the process of rolling out a feature to restrict ‘sensitive tweets’ for users who are aged below 18. To access such posts, users will have to add their date of birth to their account to prove they’ are adults, reported TechCrunch, citing a statement from the company.

“We’re constantly iterating on our work to give people more choice and control over their experience, as well as to make the platform safer for everyone. We’re slowly rolling out a feature to to aid in restricting certain sensitive content from people who are under 18 years old or have not submitted their date of birth,” a Twitter spokesperson told TechCrunch.

The spokesperson also said that the option is being launched as a part of the social media giant’s user safety efforts. However, Twitter did not clarify if the feature will be available globally.

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