This iPhone security feature was ‘Luck by chance’
AutoFill on iOS helps you out by not going through the tedium of manually entering all those verification codes that you receive validating your purchases. Since the iOS platform could be said to be more secure than the Android one, chances of your bank details and other personal data leaking out of the Apple database are believed to be slim. Last weekend, an Apple engineer Ricky Mondello who reportedly worked on the feature, gave out some details about how the whole idea of an autofill feature was brought to fruition.
In response to a tweet that lauded the AutoFill feature of iOS, the Apple engineer says that at the time when the idea for this feature came to them (the group of engineers), they were working on something else. But the engineers “jotted it down, tabled it for weeks and then picked it up” after they got stuck with the project that they were working on. Serendipitous? Seems like it. Something along the lines of Alexander Fleming discovering Penicillin or Wilhelm Roentgen chancing upon illumination that became known as the X-rays