This DoT proposal may help bring 5G faster to India
NEW DELHI|KOLKATA: The telecom department will shortly urge the sector regulator to clear the way for auctioning the coveted spectrum in the 26 GHz band, aiming to reduce 5G deployment costs and, therefore, allow affordable ultra-fast mobile broadband services.
The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) will seek pricing recommendations from the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) for this band, a senior government official said. “We will be taking a Trai reference for the 24.75 to 27.25 GHz millimetre wave band (popularly known as the 26 GHz band), and look at an auction sometime later next year,” the official said on condition of anonymity.
The 26 GHz band spectrum is widely seen by telecom operators worldwide as amongst the most efficient airwaves for delivery of affordable 5G services. Indian telcos have urged the government to emulate the US, South Korea, Japan and Hong Kong to leverage the global 5G ecosystem developing around the 26 GHz band. These airwaves are also ideal for industrial applications.