Thierry Delaporte, the first foreign CEO of Wipro, is no stranger to Indian IT

Thierry Delaporte, the Capgemini executive who has been named as the first non-Indian CEO of WiproNSE 6.75 % is not a newbie to the country nor the Indian IT services industry.

After Salil Parekh, his former colleague at Capgemini and the current CEO of Infosys, led the French company’s $4 billion acquisition of iGATENSE 0.00 % five years ago, the largest such deal so far in India, it was Delaporte who integrated the IT services firm into its fold.

“We were worried (of cultural issues) as Capgemini India was running as a cost centre, while we were operating the India services model,” says Salil Ravindran, chief financial officer at Technosoft Corp. “His cultural sympathy was high.”

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