These Android users may need to change their phones to browse internet smoothly

If you are still using an old Android phone that runs Android version 7.1 or lower then you may need to upgrade. This is because soon you will be unable to browse the internet smoothly on your phone due to compatibility issues. One of the leading certificate authorities–Let’s Encrypt– has announced that its partnership with Certificate Authority IdenTrust which cross-signed Let’s Encrypt’s certificates is going to expire on September 1, 2021.
So, why is it a problem? Let’s Encrypt was launched five years ago and they relied on its partnership with IdenTrust for cross signature. “When a new Certificate Authority (CA) comes on the scene, it faces a conundrum: In order to be useful to people, it needs its root certificate to be trusted by a wide variety of operating systems (OSes) and browsers,” the firm explained in a blog post.
But operating systems and internet browsers take years “to accept the new root certificate”. The common solution: a new CA will often ask an existing, trusted CA for a cross-signature, to quickly get it into being trusted by lots of devices, added the company. This is why the partnership is important.

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