The camera modes on smartphones: What you should know

Smartphone cameras changed the way we click, store and look at photos. Over the years, cameras on phones have become more advanced and feature-rich. There are several modes in the cameras that allow you to click better images and make you shoot like a ‘pro’. Here we explain the different modes found in most smartphone cameras and what you can do with them:
Manual/Pro Mode
Manual or Pro Mode is a common feature in Android smartphones. In this mode, users can choose the shutter speed, ISO, white balance, focus mode, etc based upon their need and surrounding. It’s a little cumbersome, but a handy feature to have.
Night Mode
Night mode, as the name suggests, comes handy while taking photos in low-light conditions. It’s a predefined mode with slow shutter speed, also the reason why most smartphones warn users to keep their hand steady while shooting in Night mode.

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