Telegram set to add group video calling

Video calling and group video calling more so has become the order of the day. The coronavirus pandemic has forced people to rely on video calls — be it for work or for personal calls. Every app is introducing features that makes video calling better and now Telegram too has joined the bandwagon.
An official blog post by the company states, “The current global lockdown highlighted the need for a trusted video communication tool. Video calls in 2020 are much like messaging in 2013. There are apps that are either secure or usable, but not both. We’d like to fix that, and we will focus on bringing you secure group video calls in 2020.”
So yes, Telegram will bring group video calling but hasn’t given a timeline of when it will be introduced on the app.
The blog post also noted some new features that have come to the app. A new sticker directory has been added where users can browse and search over 20,000 free Telegram stickers created in the last 5 years.

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