Teams doing great for Microsoft but will the company keep investing in Skype?

Microsoft with its video conferencing app Teams has been witnessing a huge growth as millions of people working at home are downloading it. But Microsoft has another video conferencing application Skype which is not able to keep up with the mark, its competitors have set. At such a time, it is but natural to question whether Microsoft will keep investing in Skype or not. Well, as much as it seems possible, the company has decided to keep investing in Skype which it had purchased in 2011 for $8.5 billion.

According to a report by VentureBeat, the company is set to keep investing in Skype. Citing Jeff Teper, CVP for Microsoft 365, the report highlighted that Skype will grow through this and Microsoft will be introducing some new features in it as well. He further indicated that both Teams and Skype will interoperate.

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