TCS 2nd Indian company to hit $200 billion mcap after RIL

MUMBAI: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), the second-most valued company in India and the largest within the Tata Group, on Wednesday became the second domestic company to cross the $200-billion market capitalisation mark.

Exactly a year ago, Reliance Industries (RIL) was the first Indian company to cross that milestone and is currently at $215 billion.

In Wednesday’s market, TCS crossed the mark in mid-session and closed just a tad off with a market value of $199.1 billion, official data showed. When TCS was listed in August 2004, it had an mcap of about $10 billion.

It crossed the $50-billion market value in December 2010, $100 billion in April 2018 and $150 billion in December 2020.

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