Tamil Nadu’s electronics export on road to $8 billion, says minister

After nearly tripling its electronics exports in 2022-23, Tamil Nadu is likely to strengthen its presence as an electronics exporter in 2023-24 by crossing the $8 billion mark, up around 49 per cent from $5.37 billion last year, state Industries Minister TRB Rajaa has said. This comes at a time when the state has already touched exports of $4.8 billion, contributing to 31 per cent of the total exports out of India.

Other leading states are Uttar Pradesh ($2.58 billion), Karnataka ($2.29 billion), Maharashtra ($1.69 billion), Gujarat ($1.59 billion), Delhi ($807 million), Haryana ($386 million), and $356 million. According to industry experts, major reasons for the rise in exports is the ‘China Plus One’ strategy of global majors like Apple,

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