Social media has an overall positive impact on Gen Z in India, suggests Snapchat report

A new report suggests that social media has an overall positive impact on Gen Z in India. The study by Snapchat was released on the 20th anniversary of Safer Internet Day (SID), wherein India registered the highest DWBI by country at 68. DWBI stands for Digital Well-Being Index, which is a measure of Gen Z’s online psychological well-being.

The DWB Index was created based on an online survey of 9,000 respondents consisting of Gen Z teens (aged 13-17), Gen Z adults (aged 18-24), and parents of 13-19 year-olds from 6 countries – Australia, France, Germany, India, the UK, and the US.

India saw the highest DWBI among males and females with a count of 67. This was split into: parents at 69, Gen Z at 64, and teens at 70. 88% of Gen Zs in India also said that social media has a positive influence on them.

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