Snowflake Enables Business Success

When older people think of the word “cloud”, those white fluffy things wafting along the sky come to mind. But, when a youngster thinks of “cloud”, she thinks of that space on the internet which stores the mind, heart and body of her life’s most important data (literary, visual or audio). If you are a business leader, you need to start looking at the cloud like a youngster because if you don’t, you will lose your competitive edge and thus, your market share. Quite simply – cloud is a necessity, not a luxury.

Understanding the “Cloud” Imperative

So, what is this new “cloud” and why is it critical to your business? Think of the Indian Railway system. Thousands of trains travel along tracks stopping and departing from hundreds of platforms adding and dropping off millions of passengers. These trains rest at sheds when not running but the system runs round the clock. Now, think of the trains and passengers as the immense amount of different kinds of data that is critical to your business and the tracks, platforms and sheds as the foundation or “cloud” which safely stores and compartmentalises your disparate data in a manner that allows you to work efficiently.

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