Snapdeal likely to raise funds in less than 5-6 years, exploring both private and public avenues, says CEO Himanshu Chakrawarti
Snapdeal likely to raise funds in less than 5-6 years, exploring both private and public avenues, says CEO Himanshu Chakrawarti
After a revival attempt through Snapdeal 2.0, the e-commerce company is channeling efforts into a slow but steady play. Speaking to DH’s Shakshi Jain, the ecomm player’s chief executive Himanshu Chakrawarti shed light on Snapdeal’s business this season, fund raising aspirations and online shopping trends dominating its target audience in the tier II/III markets of India.
Some pockets in the economy are still reporting subdued demand numbers this year, compared to pre-Covid times. What has your experience been?