Sebi exempts government from making open offer to VIL shareholders

New Delhi: Markets regulator Sebi on Wednesday exempted the government from making an open offer to the shareholders of Vodafone Idea Ltd (VIL) pursuant to its proposed acquisition of over 33 per cent stake in the telecom operator on conversion of dues into equity. In a nine-page order, Sebi said the acquisition of shareholding in VIL by the Government of India (GoI) is proposed with the sole intent of saving the larger public interest.
“Moreover, GoI has no intent to participate in the management or the Board of the VIL and there is going to be no change in control of the VIL. Further, such holding of GoI shall be classified as public shareholding,” Sebi said while giving the exemption from making the open offer.
The regulator noted that a substantial sum of money is due to be paid to the government by VIL, which may place a potential burden on the financials of the company.

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