OnePlus 10T 5G delivers on fluidity and performance

Smartphones are everywhere. You can’t escape them. And so are cars and television. All these gadgets have succeeded to the point that we find it hard to even imagine alternatives. At the same time it raises an important question: Why buy another smartphone to take photos? Samsung at least has a new form factor to deliver in way of a foldable phone, like the one arriving next week, while Apple can always talk about the vast improvements it makes every year in way of camera as well as the software running the show. What about OnePlus? It has always been considered a no-nonsense company that offers all that a customer requires without frills (at least on the premium phones).

Then the pandemic set in and so did boredom and uncertainty in general. We started equating boredom with routine in one’s life. In pre-pandemic times, routine was exciting, especially if it involved picking up a kati roll on the way to the subway. At the same time, it’s essential to realise boredom is a way of telling the brain that one should be doing something different.

When the new OnePlus 10T got delivered a few days ago for review, I realised what the company is trying to say.

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