Now Amazon sellers may clear doubts, share e-commerce learnings with peers under this new programme
Ease of Doing Business for MSMEs: Sellers on Amazon in India will now be able to share their learnings on selling goods online with other sellers under the e-commerce company’s new programme Amazon Saathi. The peer mentorship programme will allow its experienced sellers to share and access content on the knowledge-sharing platform with new or emerging sellers to help them sell better to Indian consumers. “We are launching Amazon Saathi after a lot of research and feedback from sellers on having a platform for knowledge sharing and networking amongst them,” Pranav Bhasin, Director MSME & Seller Experience, Amazon India said in a statement. The company said it has already conducted a pilot for the programme over the past eight months with more than 50 Saathi ‘mentors’ who have interacted with more than 41,000 aspiring and existing entrepreneurs.