New iPhone SE teardown reveals similarities with iPhone 8

iFixit’s teardown of the new Apple iPhonr SE has revealed that a lot of parts used in the second generation model are interchangeable with the iPhone 8. From the SIM tray to cameras, taptic engine (the technology that delivers vibrations for taps on Apple devices) and display assembly that includes the mic and proximity sensor, can be swapped between the two phones, iFixit said.

The California based company also found that while the devices have similar batteries, they aren’t interchangeable. “Turns out, although the battery looks identical, the battery’s logic board connector differs from the one in the 8, so they don’t fit together,” iFixit wrote in a blog post. According to the company, the SE will still connect to the battery of an iPhone 11, since they use the same connectors, but the phone won’t turn on with that battery.

Users won’t be able to swap a genuine iPhone SE 2020 battery for another either, because it will trigger a “not a genuine Apple battery” warning.

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