New Firefox feature can prevent Facebook and others from tracking you: Report

A new Firefox feature can remove various online trackers from sites like Facebook, Hubspot, Olytics and others from the URLs you access before they load up in the browser, as per a report by Bleeping Computer. The feature is called Query Parameter Stripping and it reportedly removes the strings of characters attached at the end of the URLs which allow Facebook and other companies to track your online activity and serve you targeted ads.
You’ll notice that in a URL, there will usually be a set of characters after a question mark. This set of characters is called a query parameter through which a company like Facebook knows you have clicked on that link, so that they could create your profile to serve you ads.
To prevent yourself from such tracking, you have to reportedly enable the feature in the latest version on the Firefox browser, which will then delete those pesky characters before loading the URL. To do so, just choose “Strict” for “Enhanced Tracking Protection” under the Privacy & Security settings. To enable the feature when browsing in Private Mode, by typing “about:config” in the address bar, searching for strip and setting the ‘privacy.query_stripping.enabled.pbmode’ option to true, as per the report.

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