Nearly 1.1 crore Aadhaars seeded with mobile numbers in February, 93% jump over Jan
Following requests from Aadhaar holders, over 10.97 million (1,09,70,000) mobile numbers were seeded in Aadhaar in the month of February 2023. This represents a jump of more than 93 percent over the previous month. The UIDAI has been encouraging Aadhaar holders to seed their Aadhaar with their mobile numbers for better and effective communication while accessing benefits from the government and for accessing other voluntary services.
About 1,700 Central and state social welfare direct benefit transfer (DBT) and good governance schemes have been linked to Aadhaar. There has been an immense growth in Aadhaar usage across several sectors in the country. The UIDAI data shows that in the month of February, 226.29 crore number of Aadhaar authentication transactions were executed, more than 13% growth over January when 199.62 crore such transactions were carried out.