Made in Andhra iPhone? Maybe, says state industries minister

VIJAYAWADA: Industries Minister Mekapati Gautam Reddy on Monday revealed that discussions were held with technology giant Apple Inc to explore if the latter could set up a manufacturing unit in Andhra Pradesh. Speaking at a press conference, he said the state government has positioned Kopparthi in Kadapa district as a possible investment destination for Apple.

“We have positioned Kopparthi.. if they want to invest in AP… they said they will come back later,” he said in reply to a query. Explaining that Apple has six manufacturing units in China, with the smallest employing one lakh workforce and the largest six lakh, Mekapati said they were looking at that kind of a quantum beside land. These companies also look at women’s empowerment and look to locate their units at places where women’s rights are respected. AP in that respect stands a good chance, he added.

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