Leadership at stake: President Trump exhorts US Companies to speed up work on 5G networks

Leadership at stake: President Trump exhorts US Companies to speed up work on 5G networks
By: Bloomberg | Published: February 22, 2019 10:40 AM
Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei, in an interview with CBS News on Thursday, says the U.S. is wrong to treat 5G as “an atomic bomb” and said his company will be rolling out “new equipment that is suitable for the United States.”
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The White House didn’t immediately respond to a request for more information.

Trump’s tweets came hours after Fox Business Network aired an interview with Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, in which host Maria Bartiromo pressed the top U.S. diplomat on whether the administration wants to restrict the use of equipment from Huawei.

“They are creating a real risk for these countries and their systems — the security of their people,” Pompeo told Bartiromo. “Europeans care deeply about their privacy. The risk to privacy from this technology is very, very real, and we’re out sharing this information.”

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