Jony Ive’s impressive legacy at Apple
Considered a revolutionary design, it came in a friendly shell of translucent-coloured plastic and an ovoid form. The device came with a 56Kb modem and USB.
In the words of Steve Jobs: “It comes from the excitement of the Internet and the simplicity of Macintosh. Even though it’s a full-bodied Macintosh, we are targeting this for the number one use consumers tell us they want on the computer — to get on the Internet simply and fast…. This is incredible compared to anything out there. It looks like as if it’s from another planet. And a good planet. A planet with better designers!”
The iPod was certainly not the first portable MP3 player but it was certainly a game changer with its “genius scroll wheel” that allows users to scan through a list quickly. It was a design classic, inspired by the iconic Braun T3 pocket radio.