iPhones may be at risk as hackers can ‘attack’ Mail app, Apple says fix is coming

The email app (Mail) on Apple iPhone) may be its Achilles heel against hackers and vulnerable to malware attacks, as per a report by The Wall Street Journal. The report is based upon the claims of cybersecurity firm ZecOps that says that hackers have found a flaw in Mail on Apple iPhones. And the iPhone can be hacked without you having to tap on a link or downloading any file, essentially a “malware without input”, claims ZecOps.
To make such a surreptitious attack possible, hackers could send in a “malware without input” , a breach which would be “virtually undetectable”. This malware would be in the form of a “specially designed message”, claim researchers. What is more alarming that hackers could have been exploiting the flaw for quite some time now, the time being claimed to be “at least two years”. There have been reportedly “at least six targets” till now and they have been mentioned in the report. They include “staff at a Japanese telecom”, a “large North American firm”, a European journalist, a German and tech companies in Israel and Saudi Arabia.

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