iPhone 14 — a meaningful and capable upgrade that’s suited to most of us

Changes may not always be in your face. Small changes can add up to a big impact, like they do on the iPhone 14. We are not talking about the iPhone 14 Plus (the phone that pushed the Mini out of the running this year) or the iPhone 14 Pro (or Pro Max) that’s a heavy hitter for anyone truly inclined towards photography. This is the simple iPhone 14 that’s perfect for those who upgrade iPhones every few years or serve the important task of introducing people to the Apple universe.

Anyone who has used Apple products for several years will know that users don’t feel left behind despite not upgrading for three or four years. Be it the iPhone or the iPad, devices from, say, 2018 still work well. These are people who don’t suffer from FOMO or fear of missing out syndrome. At the same time, these are people who want money to buy peace of mind when choosing a new device, so that upgrades are not necessary for a few years. The iPhone 14 is that upgrade.

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