Instagram’s new game plan against YouTube involves adopting landscape videos on IGTV

Instagram launched its IGTV app to offer a potential rival service to YouTube. But, instead of blatantly aping the world’s most popular video hosting website, IGTV capitalised on the easiness of recording vertical videos, which is what its platform was based on. Initially, the experiment caught up with Instagram users, only to wane later due to their being far less acceptable than the landscape videos. As a result, IGTV is bringing support for horizontal videos that will be hosted in addition to the vertical ones.

Landscape videos are now supported on IGTV and will also be available as previews on the Instagram app. To be able to watch the landscape videos, the full-screen mode needs to be enabled while rotating the phone to the side, which means the video will be cropped in the vertical orientation. Instagram says the change in video sharing on IGTV is a result of the feedback the company received from the users.

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