Indian millennials addicted to smartphones, spend one-third of their waking hours on WhatsApp, FB

It won’t be wrong to say that millennials are a generation of digital natives. They have grown up with the Internet and social media apps, as opposed to the baby boomers, who have mainly relied on television and traditional forms of entertainment.

Global smartphone brand Vivo, in association with Cybermedia Research (CMR), recently announced the results of a study titled ‘Smartphone and their impact on human relationships’, to dive deep into the influence of mobile devices on the consumers and their social interactions.

The study revealed that an average Indian spends 1/3rd of their waking hours on their phone, which translates to 1800 hours a year. The report also said that 75% of the respondents agreed to have owned a smartphone in their teens and of them, 41% were hooked to their phones even before graduating from high school.

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