Indian consumers spending almost five hours a day on mobile apps: Report
A new report by App Annie, an app market analytics firm, puts numbers to something we’ve all known for 19 months now — that we’ve all been spending far more time on our phones since the pandemic hit.
How much more?
According to the report, smartphone users in India spent 4.8 hours a day on average using various mobile apps in July-September (Q3) 2021, making Indians “among the most mobile-first consumers in the world”.
The time Indians spend on mobile apps had been rising steadily before the pandemic hit, but began to skyrocket early last year when Covid-19 and lockdowns became our collective reality. This meant that Indian consumers spent more than four hours a day on mobile apps for the first time in 2020, or a collective 651 billion hours for the year. That was a 40% jump from 2019, when Indians spent “just” 3.3 hours a day on apps.