Hyderabad trails Bengaluru in fixed broadband download speeds
Hyderabad: Hyderabad might be as tech savvy as its other southern counterparts, but when it comes to fixed broadband download speeds, it trails Chennai and Bengaluru, as per internet testing, data and analysis player Ookla’s latest report.
Ookla looked at fixed and mobile download speeds in the 15 largest cities of India during the second and third quarter of 2019 and found that Chennai had by far the fastest mean download speeds for fixed broadband (51.07 Mbps), followed by Bengaluru (42.50 Mbps) and Hyderabad (41.68 Mbps). The slowest download speeds were measured in Nagpur (20.10 Mbps), followed by Pune (22.78 Mbps) and Kanpur (23.20 Mbps), it added.