How to open Instagram messages on laptop or desktop PC

Direct Message or simply known as DM on Instagram allows users to send and receive personal messages in one-on-one chat or group chat just like WhatsApp. Instagram’s DM feature also allows to send photos, videos, disappearing messages, sharing locations, etc.
However, Instagram has always been designed as primarily a mobile app and offers most of the features in its app version only. Though, there’s a webpage for it, but users there can only scroll their feed, like and comment on the posts. But thats almost it as there’s no way to post a new photo or video or check DM’s. So, what if you want to check a DM right from your laptop or desktop. There’s a workaround for that and here’s how to do it.

Using Instagram for Windows 10
If you are using Windows 10 on your laptop or desktop, download Instagram app from Windows store.

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