How Imran Khan used AI from jail to campaign for Pakistan elections

Imran Khan, the former Prime Minister of Pakistan, has been imprisoned over selling state gifts among other charges. Yet, Khan continues to ‘campaign’ as technology has aided him, thrusting AI to the centre of election campaigning.

Khan, currently detained on corruption charges, addressed a virtual rally this week not in person, but through an AI-generated audio clip. According to a report by The Guardian, Khan’s party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), used his written script and existing speech samples to create a near-identical digital voice that captivated virtual attendees. The move highlights the growing influence of AI in campaigning, especially with a lot of big countries going to the polls in 2024.

“My fellow Pakistanis, I would first like to praise the social media team for this historic attempt,” the voice mimicking Khan said. “Maybe you all are wondering how I am doing in jail,” the stilted voice adds. “Today, my determination for real freedom is very strong.”

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