Hexaware founder Atul Nishar is back with EdTech startup ‘Azent’
After exiting Hexaware in 2013 with a cheque of Rs 1,000 crore, Atul Nishar is back again in the technology arena with his new venture Azent Overseas Education Limited, an online- offline EdTech Startup.
Nishar whose first venture was educational institute Aptech, which he exited in 2003, is back in the education space after a gap of over a decade and a half.
Nishar’s daughter Priyanka Nishar – an alumnus of Harvard Business School and Cornell University would be running the new business.
“In 1985 I launched Aptech. That was when computer education was dominated by unorganized players except for NIIT. I see a similar situation today in the overseas education counselling market.