Google is making it easier to share links with others

Searching for a website or an article via Google search and sharing it with others has become easier for smartphone users. The firm has started adding a new sharing button on the top right on the address bar when a user searches for a website and tap on a link. This works on articles seen in the Discover section of the Google app as well.
The sharing button is more prominent now as it is shown on the top right corner along with the three-dot menu button and the bookmarks icon. This should come as a welcome change for many Android users as it would further eliminate the requirement to open the Chrome browser every time. Tapping the share icon directly opens the share sheet from the bottom, from where you can choose the app through which the link can be shared.
The only downside of adding a dedicated share button is that the URL name shown on top gets lesser space. However, that’s not a big of an issue though.

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