Google, IBM, Microsoft AI models fail to curb gender bias

New York, Revealing another dark side of trained Artificial Intelligence (AI) models, new research has claimed that Google AI datasets identified most women wearing masks as if their mouths were covered by duct tapes.
Not just Google. When put to work, artificial intelligence-powered IBM Watson virtual assistant was not far behind on gender bias.
In 23 per cent of cases, Watson saw a woman wearing a gag while in another 23 per cent, it was sure the woman was “wearing a restraint or chains”.
To reach this conclusion, Ilinca Barsan, Director of Data Science, Wunderman Thompson Data used 265 images of men in masks and 265 images of women in masks, of varying picture quality, mask style and context — from outdoor pictures to office snapshots, from stock images to iPhone selfies, from DIY cotton masks to N95 respirators.

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