Google announces Trillium, its most energy-efficient Cloud TPU, to power next-gen AI models

Google at its I/O 2024 on Tuesday introduced the 6th generation Google Cloud TPU (Tensor Processing Units) called Trillium, a custom AI-specific hardware that supports the company’s latest generative AI models like Gemini 1.5 Flash, Imagen 3, and Gemma 2.0, which have been trained and served on Trillium TPU.

Jeff Dean, Chief Scientist, Google DeepMind and Google Research stated, “Gemini 1.5 Pro is Google’s largest and most capable AI model and it was trained using tens of thousands of TPU accelerators. Our team is excited about the announcement of the 6th generation of TPUs and we’re looking forward to the increase in performance and efficiency for training and inference at scale of our Gemini models.”

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