Flipkart completes a year with Walmart, launches ‘Supermart’ in Mumbai

It has been a year since India witnessed the largest M&A deal in its history. Walmart Inc. on May 9 last year had announced it is buying 77 per cent stake in Flipkart for about $16 billion at a valuation of $21 billion. On Thursday, Flipkart celebrated its one-year anniversary of being part of the global retail giant.

However, a lot has changed in one year. Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal, who started the company in 2007, have both exited the firm. Close on the heels of Binny’s exit, Ananth Narayanan, the top boss of Flipkart’s branded fashion platform Myntra Jabong, also exited the firm.

While Sachin left immediately after the deal went through, which some say was over issues around leadership and control, Binny’s untimely exit came later.

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