Facebook is making it easier to honour a loved one after they pass away

Back in in 2015, Facebook had introduced a feature called legacy contact. A legacy contact is a family member or friend who is entrusted to take care of a user’s Facebook account when they pass away. In a blog post written by Facebook COO, Sheryl Sandberg, the social media giant announced that it is making updates to “this experience even more supportive.” Sandberg wrote, “Today we’re sharing updates to make this experience even more supportive for our community: a new tributes section for memorialised accounts; additional controls for people who manage memorialised accounts; and improved AI to keep the profile of a deceased loved one from appearing in painful ways.”
The new Tributes section will have a separate tab on memorialised profiles where friends and family can share posts. The original timeline of the deceased remains preserved. As Sandberg explained, “This lets people see the types of posts that are most helpful to them as they grieve and remember their loved ones.”

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