Every 4 out of 5 Indian gamers lost Rs 7,894 to cyberattacks this year: Norton Special Report
Indian adults who play online games are susceptible to cyber attacks, with 3 out of 4 gamers experiencing cyberattacks on their gaming accounts, and at least 4 out of 5 gamers losing at least Rs 7,894 on an average, revealed a new report by Norton LifeLock.
The report titled: “Special Release – Gaming and Cybercrime,” conducted by the Harris Poll, among 703 Indian adults who play online games, noted that gamers are also willing to take action that could compromise their security or of others, simply to give themselves a competitive edge. Turns out, 2 out of 5 Indian gamers (42 percent) say they most likely to hack into a friend, family member, or romantic partner’s account if they knew it would give them a competitive advantage.